The Weekly Bookmark May 24, 1996 - Vol 2, No. 26 __________________________________________________________ Table of Contents On My End - Note from the Editor Update - News from Around the Web Out There - Places to Visit Weekly Bookmark Information Meet The Staff - Contact Info __________________________________________________________ On My End Matt Alberts We've changed the graphics a little bit and in the next few weeks, as I have promised before, I will be changing some information. For today's issue, I've begun including News from around the Web. Send some feedback if you like it. Please see the online edition for links to the articles. This will be changed in the future. __________________________________________________________ Supporters Imaginary Landscape __________________________________________________________ Update - News from Around the Web Thursday, May 23, 1996 Report Warns of Security Threats Posed by Computer Hackers - New York Times Internet copyright bill stalled - c|net Internet Freedom : Dogma Download - Chicago Tribune N.Y. apartment offers Internet link - Microsoft/Reuters L.A. poised to become multimedia hub - Microsoft/Reuters Big Brother is watching you Web surf - Microsoft/Reuters Pentagon under siege by Internet computer hackers: report - MCI Online? New Navigator version squelches security leak - Info World Wednesday, May 22, 1996 Net user estimates come down to earth - c|net Coming Home to Multimedia - Interactive Week adds helpful technical tips for consumers via web site - Internet Wire Search Tool Brings Net Down to Kids - Detroit News New Web Searcher Has Some Engine Problems - San Francisco Chronicle Netscape Has 87% of the Market - Business Wire Internet traffic reports at Strictly Business show - Star Tribune Tuesday, May 21, 1996 Forwarding Your Mail to a New Virtual Home - New York Times Avoiding Traps in On-Line Investing - New York Times How useful is the Net? - Arizona Star New Internet Search Engine Unveiled -- HotBot - Reuters Netscape To Unveil Navigators - Reuters Monday, May 20, 1996 Netscape Browser Bug Found, But Fix Ready - Reuters Looking for a New Home on the Internet - New York Times ____________________________________________________ Out There Art, Humanities, and Music Serendipity Sections on: Calendar studies (European, Maya, Goddess), Ganesh Baba (the psychedelic swami), psychedelic tryptamines (psilocybin mushrooms, DMT), Maria Callas, William Bramley's The Gods of Eden, J. S. Mill's essay On Liberty, C programs and more. URL: This site did not supply the browser information. Submitted By: Peter Meyer Doug's Poetry, Thoughts and Information The primary focus of this site is on original works of poetry, but with so many Links there is something here for everyone. Submit your own poetry to enter our "Best of the Month" contest. There page is a great resource of all types of information. Come explore! Enjoy! URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Doug Farnan Computers and Technology Bryan's Macintosh Spring-Board Bryan's Macintosh Spring-Board is a relatively new site providing technical support to Macintosh users. Visit the software libraries for the most recent internet software, system software, utilities, games, and more! "Link Heaven" is your source for links, even if you use one of those "other" computers. Stop on by, check out the Spring-Board, and watch us grow! This site is best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or higher. Submitted By: Bryan Thompson Entertainment The Internet Coffee Resource Guide This site contains all you could ever want to know about coffee, and more! A large amount of resources and an award winning design make this page worth a visit! URL: This site can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Amber Lamperti Health and Medicine Fairview HealthWise Fairview Healthwise is a quarterly newsletter covering a variety of healthcare issues. The spring issue has topics ranging from prevention of golf injuries to infant safety. A method for breast biopsy and changes in life through aging are also discussed. URL: This site can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Jobin Hume Pharmlink Pharmlink is a compendium of Internet Resources for Healthcare Professionals. URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Howard MAndel ... an Apple a Day* Apple a Day - an ezine - presents little bytes of health and wellness which allow the reader to grasp these healthful ideas quickly and easily. If an indivudal's goal is a healthier lifestyle, just implementing ONE idea each month will help reach that goal. Readers are encouraged to discuss these helpful concepts with their families, co-workers, and friends - and then commit to Apple a Day's challenge. Apple a Day's challenge centers on the belief that individuals can develop good health habits - and that the best way to develop these habits is gradually over a period of time. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or higher. Submitted By: Gary C. Rees Internet and the WWW Crackpots! Real crazy people have put up their very own real crazy web pages espousing their real crazy ideas! Crackpots brings you links to tons of wackos, nut cases, freaks and even a few zealots. isball/crackpot.h ts This site is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Dave Donaldson Free Stuff You can find free Windows wallpaper, seamless HTML page backgrounds, and icons at this site. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Keith Brown NetScream! The Extreme Turbo Ballistic Info HQ...without the wiggin' A fun and vibrant site for the New person to the web. FREE Classifieds, Free contests, Link Mall, software reviews, site listings, FREE Web Marketing, Web info resources, reciprocal links, Site AWARD NOMINATIONS, Java Resources, and always much more. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or higher. Submitted By: Scott P. Galbraith Society and Culture New York Solidarity A page for community activists for social and economic justice. How to's for PR, film/video use. Background materials on Campaign for a Livable Minimum Wage, Jobs With Justice. Bibliographies, filmographies, media lists, organizational lists, etc. Action alert. Specific organizing tools. Links to principal labor sites, research sites. This site is can be viewed with any browser. __________________________________________________________ Weekly Bookmark Information The Weekly Bookmark Hompage: The Weekly Bookmark Archives: The Weekly Bookmark Index: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via WWW form: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via E-mail: Include ONLY the following in the BODY Subscribe WeeklyB or Unsubscribe WeeklyB. Submit a Site: Send Feedback: __________________________________________________________ Meet The Staff Editor - Matt Alberts Assistant Editor - Holly Drake Webmaster - Matt Alberts Writer Marian Hank Submitters Ted Nellen Marian Hank Want to help? Read our Help Wanted section. _________________________________________________________________ (C) Copyright 1996 by Matt Alberts - All Right Reserved Comments? Ideas? Send mail to